Paul E. Eliacin is a Haitian American, independent film director that produced a movie titled Up in Harlem. The premise of the movie is focused around various African Americans that overcome a myriad of life's struggles. The movie serves as a lesson for all people in terms of how to combat many of the problems that plague African American Families, women and young men by doing so it lends insight on how one could rise above adversity and achieve all that they aspire to be through determination.
One could say that the vision for Paul E. Eliacin's movie was inspired by the events of his own life. Paul E. Eliacin was born in Haiti and migrated to the United States at a young age and grew up without a father. Just as many other immigrants that migrate to this country. Paul and his family moved here based on the notion that this country was built on democracy, freedom, and the pursuit of happiness. Through Paul was able to be a testimony to the fact that those principles did define America, he, unfortunately, was denied those very dreams he had set out to acquire.
His determination is evidenced by the fact that he has worked for Law and Order SUV for 19 years: one of the most watched shows to date and by the movie he directed, Up in Harlem. A movie in which he was able to get celebrity Ice-T to play an essential role. Tantamount to his determination is his humanitarianism; when the tragedy of 9/11 occurred Paul was one of the many that devoted his time assisting the relief effort. He was courageous enough to spend sixteen hour a day at ground zero in order to assist in the search and recovery of victims. Paul has been diagnosed with several illnesses related to breathing and asbestos at ground zero and suffers from chronic Rhino-sinusitis an upper respiratory disease, severe disruptive sleep apnea & (PTSD) post-traumatic stress disorder.
Through all of the adversity Paul experienced in his lifetime, he was able to endure and learn from his experiences a feat many of us never accomplish. In this world there are few Paul Eliacin; therefore, it is necessary for people such as Paul to be allowed to share their struggles with the world. Paul is more than eager to share his story with the world because he would rather that other young men and women, that face similar situations he faced when he was younger, destined to walk down the same wrong path, live the events of his life vicariously than to continue down that path. For it is common knowledge that many that stray from the path of victory will be forever lost.
If you as interested in hearing from Paul E. Eliacin directly, please do not hesitate to email him at He certainly looks forward to hearing from you soon for the sooner his message is shared with the world the more instrumental he will be at changing and improving the quality of life for many.
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